Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (Tracodi)

Hochiminh Stock Exchange announces a trading systematic technical error on 22nd January 2018

Hochiminh Stock Exchange announces a trading systematic technical error on 22nd January 2018:

During the pre-closing session on 22nd January 2018, there was a systematic technical error happening to the trading system at 2.31pm. The details are as followed:

  • Type of error: The trading system was not able to match orders during closing price determination session.
  • Level of impact: All trading orders within pre-closing session to all listed stocks on Hochiminh Stock Exchange. Put-through trading was not affected.
Hochiminh Stock Exchange is fixing the issue and will update the result as soon as possible.
In accordance with Clause a, Item 1, Article 4 of Circular No. 203/2015/TT-BTC of Ministry of Finance providing guidance for trading on securities market and Item 1, Article 5 of Regulations on trading of securities on Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued with Decision No. 341/QDSGDHCM dated 22nd August 2016, Hochiminh Stock Exchange announces:

  • Suspend trading activities from the pre-closing session dated 22nd January 2018.
  • Closing price of each stock for 22nd January 2018 is the latest order price of that stock matched within the day.