Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (Tracodi)

TCD - Report on change of ownership of major shareholders

Report on change of ownership of major shareholders of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company as follows:

Code TCD
Date December 11, 2018
Subject Report on Change of ownership of major shareholders
1. Organization/Individual:
2. Current position (if available) in the organization listed:
     Key person/ person in charge of information disclosure:
3. Securities code: TCD
4. Type of transaction: Sell
5. Number of share before transaction: 2,200,000 5.75%
6. Number of share to be traded: 2,200,000
7. Number of share after transaction: 0
8. Trading period:
9. Reason (if any):
10. Effective date/Completion date: Dec 06, 2018
11. Trading method:
12. Other: