Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (Tracodi)

TCD: SSC approved to delay the disclosure of financial statements

The State Securities Commission approved Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (TCD) to delay the disclosure of the financial statements as follows:

-          The Company was approved to release its quarterly financial statements and reviewed quarterly financial statements (if any) within 30 days from the last day of quarter, but no more than 05 days from the day when the audit firm signs the reviewed financial statements.

-          The Company was approved to release its reviewed semi-annual financial statements within 60 days from the last day of the first six months of fiscal year, but no more than 05 days from the day when the audit firm signs the reviewed financial statements.

-          The Company was approved to release its audited annual financial statements within 100 days from the last day of fiscal year, but no more than 10 days from the day when the audit firm signs the audited financial statements.


Công văn của UBCKNN về chấp thuận gia hạn thời gian công bố BCTC năm tài chính 2018